A new book titled ‘Best in Show’ by Sally Muir and Jo Osborne teaches you knitting patterns for 25 adorable dog breeds from a pretty Poodle to a burly Bulldog, a perky Pekinese to a dotty Dalmatian. With Sally Muir and Joanna Osborne's handy guide you can now knit your precious breed of dog. You don’t have to walk them or feed them and they don’t litter your laundry box or spoil your carpet.
The book priced at £11.69 is available for sale at the
Guardian Bookshop. Here are some snippets from the book.
The basset hound.
The border collie
The English bulldog
The English sheepdog
The Jack Russell
The poodle
The Portuguese water dog
The West Highland terrier
Photograph: Holly Joliffe