Popcorn the bear wishing you a merry christmas

Popcorn is back for one more appearance before I move on to other projects.  Popcorn and his anonymous bear friend have been joined by a cute little duck to sing Christmas carols.  I wonder if they realize with one more character they could be Barbershop Quartet... Just sayin'.

If you guessed that these Christmas cards are for my friend Ruth you would be correct.  I took them to her on Tuesday and she was very excited to see her Popcorn cards. I think when all is said and done she will have about 12 cards; for some reason I manage to mess up one out of every four....

I used one of my favorite like of SEI Christmas papers on this card as well as a Stampin' Up stamp and punch.  I finished the card with ribbon and a button before adding pop dots to POP the bear image.

Don't forget that I have AMY CHOMAS sponsored blog candy to give away on Thursday.... Sign up under the blog hop post from Monday.  Also, do go by and check out all of Amy's amazing products.

The rest is HerStory | Hellz Bellz Fall Del. I

2010 fall. Yes this summer was good to us for the most part. It did try to burn me a couple of times which I will let slide, but please admit that I'm not the only one praying for the fall season to drop sooner. The cooler breeze, The layers of clothes, High boots..it's all love.

Another thing to fall in love with is Hellz Bellz Fall Delievery I collection. It's called "The rest is Her Story". The cuts are a drak femm. which is a great contrast for the fall. It's truly a beautiful collection, I can't wait to see what other pieces will pop up for this season..we can only expect great things. whatthehellz

Popcorn the bear wishing a happy birthday

Popcorn the bear is back to wish you a happy birthday!  This little cutie is going to my friend Ruth as part of her series of bear cards.  I created two similar versions of this card, each using core'dination cardstock and my Stampin' Up punches.

The packages were time consuming to color with my Copic markers, but were actually a great coloring exercise.  I learned a lot about what my markers can and cannot do.  I really enjoyed the plaid package - easy to do one color at a time.  I used my white gel pen to add the dots to the blue package.

I added a small Party Time phrase to the front of the card using a stamp that came with the Popcorn set and Stampin' Up ink and oval punch.  I finished the oval with dots and dashes in white pen.

I finished off the bottom edge with a Stampin' Up border punch and a bit of lime green ribbon.  I actually made two versions of this card and did not use floral print ribbon on the other card.  I was hoping that the floral ribbon feminized this card a bit.

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Dia Mirza is going to join the bandwagon of actor turned producer

Bollywood actress Dia Mirza is going to join the bandwagon of actor turned producer. She debuted with the movie ‘Rehna Hai Tere Dil Mein’ in 2001 opposite Madhavan and became a star overnight, although the movie did not do well at the box office.

The actress confirmed about turning producer very soon. She said that the announcement may come out by next week as she would have locked her script by then.

Dia might be seen playing the role in her production venture opposite Zayed Khan. The actress is interested in making biopics. She said that the real life stories inspire her and the personalities that attract her are Bharat Natyam dancer Rukmani Devi, painter Amrita Shergill and freedom fighter Sarojini Naidu.

One of her much waited films titled ‘Johnny Mastana’ has been waiting to be released for a year. The 28 year old actress is hoping the movie releases soon so that it can silence the people who say that it has been stalled.

The actress said that the viewers can see her best performance till date in ‘Johnny Mastana’. She also added that the only reason of the delay is due to the tussle of rights between Twentieth Century Fox and UTV.

Well, even though the actress could not offer any successful movie in last three years, audience can give her a chance to show her production skills. May be she turns out to be a lucky producer for her film!

Blog Hopping, Blog Candy, and a BBTB2 card... WOW

Happy blog hopping BBTB2 Monday!  I have a lot of information to share so I should get typing.  Welcome to the monthly BBTB2 Blog hop.  You probably arrived here from Karen's blog.  If not, think about jumping over to BBTB2 and starting the blog hop at the beginning (after you finish reading my post, of course!).  The challenge cut this week was selected by my wonderful design team sister, Penny Shuberg.  Penny chose the apron cut on the FROM MY KITCHEN cartridge. 

I decided to use a recipe card cut from the same cartridge as my base card.  I welded a rectangle to the recipe card and scored down the middle of the weld to create the card.  I used Basic Grey's kitchen line of paper.  Ironic, huh?  The base card was cut using the cupcake print.  This worked well because the back side of the paper is a nice solid medium pink - perfect for the inside of the card.  The base card was topped with two matting cuts and wrapped with a ribbon before the apron was attached with pop dots.  I printed a recipe for Pasta with Shrimp and Crabmeat that I am going to mail to my son's girlfriend.  Crissie is learning to cook and Aaron loves seafood!


In addition to the bow near the bottom of the card,  I also added a scalloped tag to the upper right corner of the card.  I used one of my favorite products to create the top layer of the tag - the Amy Chomas mini gel pen holder and glitter pen set!!  I love Amy's products, the gel pens and holder as well as her embossing kit.  Awesome products!!!  With the gel pens you simply remove the blade housing from your Cricut and replace it with Amy's gel pen holder loaded with a mini pen.  The Cricut will then write your image instead of cutting.  Cool, huh?

In addition to a new BBTB2 project here, I also have a new cake recipe to share on my sister blog, Busy with the Cricky Cake.  Be sure to check the cake blog today for the recipe and again tomorrow to see the completed decorated cake.

Did I mention BLOG CANDY?  Yes, indeed there will be blog candy this week!!!  Amy Chomas is sponsoring my blog hop this month and is providing  FABULOUS blog candy: an Amy Chomas Mini Gel Pen Holder and Pen set!!!  Seriously!  This is a great product and I love it.  Anything with Amy's name attached is sure to be fabulous!!

Leave a comment below to register for the blog candy.  You should go by Amy's site and see her fabulous projects using her products.

Now that you have left a comment (you did leave a comment didn't you?), your next stop on the blog hop is at the blog of the AMAZING Lori Warner Lori is a very gifted designer and a wonderfully nice woman - have fun at her blog!!!  Have a great day and remember to visit Amy's site!!

Seventh Inning Stretch Road Sexy Trip Edition

Road Sexy Trip Edition

Ed Note: Tonights 7IS is brought to you by CBH Sports….
This week is the return of what has become an annual summer trip for me and two of my friends; it is known simply as the “Baseball Trip”. By time this posts to the web, we would have already seen the Chicago Cubs take on the Houston Astros at Wrigley Field on Wednesday afternoon, and the Montreal Nubs take on the Milwaukee Brewers at Miller Park earlier today (as long as it doesn’t rain). The tradition started in 2007 when my friends and I decided it was time to venture away from Camden Yards and see what other parks Major League Baseball had to offer. We traveled to New York to see the Mets play at Shea in a night game. We got there early in the afternoon and ended up eating at a place called “Joey’s”, which lived up to every stereotype you have ever heard about New York. After Joey’s we took a bus to Shea, barely survived, and arrived to see the Mets take on the San Diego Padres. We were treated to a very good game, the Padres broke up the game before the Mets attempted a furious rally in the bottom of the ninth, before being shut down by Trevor Hoffman. Shea Stadium was a dump but I actually really enjoyed the experience there. The fans were into the game, we had a perfect view from our seats, just an overall fun time. I was a little nervous because we were all wearing Orioles hats and this was the infamous night that the O’s were destroyed by the Texas Rangers, 30-3. As the out of town scoreboard got worse and worse I kept waiting for Mets fans to start giving us crap. Much to my surprise it never happened. After the game we took in the New York nightlife until about 5 in the morning, which included me buying The Onion off of a homeless guy for $5.
We woke up about 4 hours later and drove to Philadelphia to see the Phillies take on the Los Angeles Dodgers. Citizens Bank Park is alright, I mean it is a cool stadium, but nothing really stood out about it to me. The game was really boring, plus my first true Philly Cheese Steak experience was ruined when I went to put hot sauce on it and the whole bottle came pouring out all over my cheese steak and clothes. I didn’t have time to let that bother me though as we were off to Baltimore to see the O’s play the Twins that night. We had seats right behind the centerfield wall for the game, my first time in seats like that. I enjoyed them, except for my view being obstructed a bit in centerfield. A funny thing happened while watching the game, the guy sitting behind us was the same guy who sat behind us the night before at Shea. I am no mathematician but the odds of that occurring had to be one in a gazillion. As for the game, the O’s lost, of course, and we headed home, completely beat but vowing to do the trip again.
Last year’s trip was lower key as we only went to one game. However, the stadium we went to was very special, the old Yankee Stadium. As a stadium, Yankee Stadium sucks, but just for the history behind it, and being able to say I saw it, was completely worth it. What made it even better was we got to see the Orioles there. There were a few other O’s fans there, and again to my surprise, despite being decked out in black and orange, no one gave me crap. Probably had a lot to do with the fact that the Orioles haven’t been a threat to the Yankees in 12 years, but still, it was appreciated. Oh, and needless to say, the Orioles got beat badly, enough for us to leave in the 7th inning.
For our trip in 2010, I am hoping that we can make it to Pittsburgh to see PNC Park, and maybe back to New York to see the new stadiums that the Mets and Yankees have.
For your afternoon scores check here (I wonder if its ok that I link ESPN.com, being that Sparty and his Friends seem to love to criticize the WWL so much. One thing ESPN gets right is their scoreboard on the .com.

Paris Hilton arrested in Las Vegas on the rights of possession of cocaine

Everyone knows that Paris Hilton is a cocaine addict, right? Well, now everyone knows. Paris Hilton was arrested last night for possession of cocaine. It was in Las Vegas, traveling in a car from a friend when the car was by the police in Las Vegas driven stopped. The police had warned that the car was a trail of smoke, "the name that people had the car speakers, I think it means.

Found in possession of cocaine agents in Paris. Here's more from the AP (via HuffPo ): Paris Hilton Police arrested and charged with possession of cocaine on Friday night, after leaving the car was in Las Vegas in Las Vegas, authorities said. socialite reserved in was Detention Center Clark County early Saturday load of cocaine, a spokesman for the police in Las Vegas, said Marcus Martin. He was released before dawn on their own recognition. 29 - years, Hilton has been in a car driven by a friend when was arrested at 23:30 MDT Friday after suspected marijuana officers found smoke coming from him, told the Associated Press.


I do not know how long it had taken place, nor any details about a possible date for the hearing. She said that the man was driving the vehicle on charges of driving has been arrested under the influence of drugs. He had no further details, including your name. not returned calls for comment Manager Hilton Saturday morning AP. His publicist, Dawn Miller, did not return an e-mail. The arrest came during a week when he was an attempted robbery at the home of the Hilton Los Angeles. The authorities say 31 years, Nathan Lee Parada a criminal charge Tuesday burlgary incident faces.

The authorities said that only one person with two large knives in the window of the Hilton. It published a photo of arrests on Twitter and was described as "terrible". Hilton was arrested this summer after the World Cup game between Brazil and the Netherlands in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, on charges of possession of marijuana. The case was deleted after hearing at midnight.


Hilton pleaded competition in 2007 for alcohol and dangerous driving was sentenced to 45 days in jail. After 23 days in jail, Paris Hilton said the United States TV host Larry King the experience caused him to reconsider the party's role in his life. He said he wanted "to help raise money for kids and for breast cancer and multiple sclerosis. Although best known for his tabloid exploits and reality TV" The Simple Life ", has appeared Hilton in the films" Bottoms Up " "The Hottie & the Night" and "House of Wax."
[From HuffPo] Yes, it was in Paris and released on charges of possession in South Africa. It was something incomplete in Corsica in July as well. We hope that This glue fees and Las Vegas can be any form of intervention Lindsay have Lohan-style? Probably not. In fact, as has the possession of cocaine is a crime to light? Chace Crawford, the book gets to him in a (UN informed- thrown) together, and in Paris the recognition of cocaine was free? WTF?.

Angelina Jolie was with Robert Pattinson, Twihard to work next crisis?

Oh, it will be good. After Deadline Hollywood (via LaineyGossip history), a new film, Angelina Jolie is making a movie called Unforgiven. What ... I hope to change the name because there already a movie called that with (and director) Clint Eastwood Angelina mentor. However, the film "A woman tries to society after serving a stretch of 15 years imprisonment for the murder of two police officers to reintegrate. The tragedy happened after the police arrived at his family farm on his expulsion.

His desire is to to live in silence and his younger sister's problems, but the wife used the word a campaign of revenge for the son of one of his victims. "play Guess who runs one of the children, perhaps? Robert Pattinson. Oooooh yes. Deadline Hollywood yesterday came a report that GK Films to develop a project for Angelina Jolie, on a mini-series for the BBC entitled Unforgiven 2009th This is a woman who, after fifteen years imprisonment for the murder of two policemen and tried again with her sister, the objective of a conspiracy hatched by the vengeance of the son of one of the men killed.

GK Angelina is already connected to their love story to produce the war in Bosnia, and Unforgiven has been on the characteristics Christopher McQuarrie, a writers' side of Angelina adapted for tourism. These people really long time. As Time notes, Angelina is not bound to it a script in hand, but that is assumed to be fast, so it may be possible that all systems are go for spring. This is not the fast lane is not willing to invest money. And yes, Of course, I bought it. I love Angelina, I think it's a good actress, and the sounds of the changing boundaries. And there's a twist. There is speculation in the wind, that Robert Pattinson has been used for this project (as the son of the revenge) recognized. He had a meeting late last year with Angelina lawyer, Robert Offer, and a festive dinner, even if his recent trip to the sea salt with your agent suddenly full of new possibilities. You know I love it too. Pattinson did not have a romantic role. You need something that has nothing to do with it, is beautiful and would work actively against their appeal. Fight Club as Brad Pitt went from Pretty Boy to Man Man, could violate the explosive changes in the role of Robert Pattinson. The Twihards Brangelunatics and support the film. Can you imagine?


[Sarah @] LaineyGossip If Pattinson said one nice thing about Angelina Jolie in the press could be started a lynch Twihards hormone and finishing Aniston. And then the tabloids have a great day for the F-cking. Kristen Stewart cries Angelina have my man! "Or:" Brad will fly to Angie Pattinson Aniston hair! O "meets the individual flashes and gerbils, I'm serious!" They know that the Empress has no Zahara. He will look down and say Pattinson. There is another way. However, I also agree that Pattinson would, by being served a supportive role of sand - and I think it would be good if he and Angelina have worked together. It is not the way anyway, in my opinion ..

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