Two finger rings may always look the same but Erin Anenberg always put's her own little twist on things. Also specializing in necklaces, earrings, and bracelets she has designed for leading celebrities and fashion influencers.
Erin Anenberg Jewlery
Two finger rings may always look the same but Erin Anenberg always put's her own little twist on things. Also specializing in necklaces, earrings, and bracelets she has designed for leading celebrities and fashion influencers.
Chris still not over Rihanna?
This video is so sweet and touching and It shows the real chemistry these two had with one another. Brown released this video via his twitter where he states "being honest makes you strong!".
Tara Reid
Teyana Taylor X Dope Lips
Teyana Taylor recently released photos via twitter of her photo shoot for her very own lip gloss line "dope lips". There isn't much posted on the line but it is said to be dropping some time this 2010.
Darling is stunning.
106&Park's Rocsi for Honey Magazine
Rocsi battles some demons that she has been having with herself sense stepping onto the scene and before her life as the host of BET's 106 & Park. She talks about the men in her life, the tough bloggers and her thoughts of suicide. To read the full interview click HERE!
Thank You Jessica - For the Blog Award
I received this cute award from Jessica. But you know, there are ALWAYS strings with a blog award. I have to answer a series of questions, and then post them here. I also get to share this award with five other blog owners.
So here goes:
1. Where is your cell phone? In my purse..
2. Your hair? Used to be another color…
3. Your mother? Sylvia is learning to use her cricut.
4. Your father? No longer living.
5. Your favorite food? Chicken picatta with capers!!!! Mmmmmm
6. Your dream last night? Had my hubby and kids in it.
7. Your favorite drink? Iced tea & good wine.
8. Your dream/goal? A month in France….
9. What room are you in? Scrap Room.
10. Your hobby? Scrapbooking .
11. Your fear? Failure.
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Here!
13. Where were you last night? Having dinner with Doug.
14. Something that you aren't? Shrewish & mean.
15. Muffins? Vanilla Raspberry from New Moon!!
16. Wish list item? Scrap storage cabinets.
17. Where did you grow up? Southeast Michigan.
18. Last thing you did? Cleaned the kitchen.
19. What are you wearing? Sleep pants and a tee.
20. Your TV? Is off.
21. Your Pet? Duncan the sweet Pomeranian boy.
22. Friends? YES - Kathy, Peggy, Suzanne, Andrea, Pat, Beth, Sally (!), Ruth, Debbie, Toby, Mary, ….
23. Your life? Is really quite nice.
24. Your mood? Peaceful.
25. Missing Someone? Aaron, Bethany, & Ian.
27. Something your not wearing? Socks & shoes.
28. Your favorite store? Only one favorite – PLEAZZZE!
29. Your favorite color? Pink.
30. When was the last time you laughed? 1 hour ago.
31. Last time you cried? ?????? Can’t recall.
32. Your best friend? Oh no… not going to hurt feelings….
33. One place that I go to over and over? Hobby Lobby.
34. Facebook? Yep, but not as faithful as I could be.
35. Favorite place to eat? Paris???
And the five blogs with which I plan to share:
Hello Kitty x Chubby Bunny
Jeffrey Campbell X LF VS Burberry Prorsum
(Jeffrey Campbell X LF VS Burberry Prorsum)
Adidas X PPQ
He's back with a big bang
Chris you can def. Transform me (:!
Album Cover: Rihanna - Rated R
For her fourth upcoming studio album Rihanna takes us on a ride to the dark side which drops this November 23rd.
Voting Continues - And So Does The Waiting....
Hello Kitty x Stussy
Megan Fox is beginning her promotional tour in Europe for Jennifer’s Body
Jesus. Has anyone told this girl, “Before you answer a question, just stop and think about the words you are about to say. Just think about what it sounds like.” Because this sounds like Megan wants to teach little girls how to act sexy. No, thanks, Megan. You’re not Miley Cyrus! Besides that, I think the reason Megan thinks “sexiness” is power is because that’s all she’s got. Just FYI, to all young girls out there - intelligence, education, self-respect, grace, humor, talent, compassion and humility are also pretty powerful weapons in the arsenal of modern womanhood too.
In this interview, Megan loses the graciousness she had at the Scream Awards, and instead snots out this gem: “This is a bull—- industry and I made a decision not to be a bull—- person. I need to hold onto my soul and my integrity and I can’t compromise that.” Right. Because whenever I hear the word “integrity”, Megan’s face always floats up.
Earlier this year, her comments to a magazine journalist that Michael Bay, who directed her in the two Transformers movies, is “like Hitler” on his sets prompted an angry response from three crew members who called her “dumb as a rock”, before going on to dismiss her as “thankless, classless, graceless [and] unfriendly”.
Fox shrugs off the criticism, when I meet her in Toronto – where her new movie, the demonic-possession horror-comedy Jennifer’s Body is getting its world premiere. “I’ve definitely said some things that I shouldn’t say,” she admits. “I sometimes forget how things will translate once they are in print. But this is a bull—- industry and I made a decision not to be a bull—- person. I need to hold onto my soul and my integrity and I can’t compromise that.”
“It was a difficult movie to make because I was under a lot of pressure to do Diablo’s script justice,” says Fox, “so I was nervous about that. I was always questioning myself and trying to bring some real elements to Jennifer. I wanted people to feel empathy for her; I wanted her to be a real person, and not a caricature, like some of the characters I may have played in the past.”
Asked what she makes of the “Sexiest Woman in the World” label, Fox laughs. “I don’t take any notice of those polls. I take it with a grain of salt. I think that because I was in a movie [Transformers] that made $800 million, they threw me on the top of the list.” But what about her remark to Esquire that “I’m just really confident sexually and I think that sort of oozes out of my pores?”
She sighs. “Sometimes I say things that I think are obviously sarcastic and people take them quite literally. In America we’re still very uptight about sexuality: it’s considered scandalous for women to be sexual or speak about sex in a humorous way,” she says.
“For some reason it makes people very uncomfortable, possibly because our society is still very tied to archaic biblical principles that we try to force on each other and force on our children. It’s very unfortunate because men are embraced for their sexual prowess and women discouraged from it.”
“In Europe, women are celebrated for their sexuality and appreciated for it. There you can still be both sexy and intelligent. Go figure.”
While another actress might bemoan the fact that being named the sexiest woman alive would hinder her goal of becoming “A Serious Actress”, Fox says: “I didn’t decide I’m going to be an actress because I want to be respected for how I play chess. I don’t think men approach me for intellectual conversation. I’m definitely labelled in the pin-up category and I haven’t given people a reason to take my work seriously yet.”
In the past, Fox has been outspoken about being bisexual and having had an affair with a stripper while in her teens. But, for the past five years, she has been in a monogamous relationship with actor Brian Austin Green, who is 13 years her senior.
When discussing Green, Fox suddenly, unexpectedly, begins to cry; then she dabs her eyes with a tissue, smiles and apologises. “Man, I just get emotional,” she says. You don’t come across a lot of genuine people in this industry and I feel blessed to have someone who will stick around through my bull—-”
“I just really want it at some point to be OK for women and young girls to be sexy because I think that’s a power, a gift that we were given by God or the universe or whatever,” she says. “I think I’m a different kind of role model for young girls.” She thinks for a minute and adds with a smile: “But maybe not the kind America is comfortable with.”
The Gypsy 24-hour Design Challenge Project by Susan Edwards
Above is the link to my entry to the Gypsy 24-hour challenge. There are four catagories in the contest, I chose the family catagory. If you wouldn't mind, please go and vote BEFORE OCT 29. This is from Provo Craft: "Encourage your friends and family (And BLOG READERS) to join in the fun and vote for your project between October 26 and October 29. The project with the most votes wins a great trip to New York City, a $2,000 shopping spree at the new Michaels store in downtown Manhattan, and tickets to a Broadway show. Winners will be announced October 30."
So yes, I want to go to NYC!! Please go vote for me!!!!
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