place business ad on my blog and increase business

Increase business by posting ad on my blog

Hi Friend,

I would like to inform you that i have started new service for advertisers to advertise on my blog. My blog contain Google page rank 3. You can boost your business, product or website by advertizing on my blog. But for that you have to pay me. You can advertize on my blog for your business, site, product or anything else. I have planned to place your ad on top right column. I have also planned to write blog post (article) for your business or product. You can put your link or image as per your requirement. For advertizing on my blog, you just have to give comment on this post with your contact detail (Email Id). I will contact you on your ID.

Advertize with Image link : 
 I will place your product or business link with image in top right corner of my blog. You have to provide me link and image. You have to pay per image size. Place you ad on my blog and boost your business. You have to pay monthly for advertizing with your image link on my blog.

Advertize your business or product with article post:
I will write an article about your product or business and post it on my blog. you can spread your business in this way too. Article will be of 200 characters and 1 image max. Image size will be note more that 300x300. You can also send me your own article. you have to pay only once for your posting your article on my blog.

For both type of advertizing, you have to pay me in advance. Please comment on this post if you want to advertize your business on my blog with your contact detail